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Jupiter class

Our Year 5 and 6 class

Welcome to Jupiter class! Miss Unsworth is the class teacher, Mrs Vasu and Mr Parry are our teaching assistants.

Welcome back to the Spring Term. I do hope you had a lovely Christmas Holiday. Our topic this term is “Endangered!”. We have lots of exciting lessons planned, including learning about the World’s Rainforests. Our Key Concept Question is: What is the impact of deforestation? We will be discovering the positive and negative aspects of deforestation and debating this in class. Our main focus will continue to be ensuring quality Reading, Maths and Literacy are delivered within our challenging broader curriculum! Please take a look at our curriculum overview for more details about what we will be covering. Our P.E. lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday. Homework activities for this term have been uploaded onto Seesaw; they are all activities which the children can, and should, complete independently. Please choose one activity a week to be completed and uploaded by the Friday of each week. The termly spellings have also been uploaded to Seesaw, with each set being tested on the date given. Parents – please continue to listen to your child read at home every evening; your
support with this plays a huge part in your child’s progress. Remember to challenge your child with questions about the text.

Miss Unsworth






