Sports Premium
At Brabourne, we aim to ensure that the PE and Sport Premium funding is used to make “Effective, Sustainable and High Quality” improvements. Ofsted, who will be monitoring the use of the funding, will be looking for: “How well the school uses its Sport Premium to improve the quality and breath of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing opportunities in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances they are capable of.”
We also aim to use the investment to find sustainable solutions. We believe in investing first and foremost in existing teaching staff and ensuring that staff are developed professionally. This therefore means a significant investment in teacher support which will be provided by Active Community Development, a company focused on sports development and pupil education. This will ensure that when the funding ends, the quality of teaching and learning will be sustained.
The amount of premium to be received in 2024/2025
The allocation of PE and sports premium for this financial year 2024/2025 is £16890
- To ensure that children benefit from high quality Physical Education as part of the school curriculum and that staff benefit from continuing professional development;
- To provide opportunities for competitive school sport for all children who wish to take part;
- To encourage children to take part in School Sports and PE;
- To identify, enthuse and engage with children and families who are less likely to choose sports and exercise as a lifestyle choice;
- To increase the number of children who take part in after-school sports clubs by offering a wider range of activities;
- To work in partnership with other organisations and school to maximise the potential of School Sports and PE;
- To motivate pupils to participate in a range of sporting activities.
- To educate pupils on making positive choices to lead healthy lifestyles
- To develop pupil competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- To develop character, life skills and social connections
- £8340 Sports coaches (1 day per week) + match training & supervision at matches
- £2000 bespoke extra training for matches and competitions
- £2,500 for Sports Giants Forest School provision (4 classes, plus after school club)
- £800 Sporting theme weeks
- £1700 After school sports clubs run by coaches
- £800 Subscription to Shepway Sports Trust
- £250 Bikeability (Y6)
- £500 Resources
Intended mpact on pupils’ participation by July 2024:
- 100% of pupils will participate in quality coaching during the school week.
- All pupils will take part in at least one intra-school active competition and all pupils will take part in at least one inter-school competition.
- All pupils in Years 1-6 to have taken part in at least one after school sports club.
- 100% of pupils will take part in physical activity during Outdoor Adventurous Activities and sport themed weeks.
- 100% of pupils will be inspired by more unusual sports which they may not otherwise have the opportunity to access.
- Pupils will receive quality coaching and training in preparation for matches/competitions.
- 100% of pupils will learn about making healthy mental and physical health choices.
- The school will achieve Gold in the School Games Mark for 2024/2025.
How improvements are sustainable:
- Teachers will be improving their skills in teaching PE and especially learning about new sports.
- Children have been exposed to more PE and are more enthusiastic to participate in physical activity.
- School is better resourced to continue teaching the variety of sports introduced.
- Children will be motivated by competition to want to take part in more sports.
- Outdoor Adventurous activities and sporting opportunities will support pupils’ mental and physical health
- Pupils will learn to lead healthy lifestyles in their future lives
Previous year:
To see how the sports premium was spend in 2023/2023 and see its impact:
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? | 87% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? | 93% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | 87% |
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? | No |