Our curriculum is designed to promote a love of learning, an enquiring mind and allow pupils to gain a deep understanding of the world around them.
Our curriculum provides learners with Key Questions (KQ), within each unit of study, which challenge their thinking over a lesson, a term or longer.
Learners are guided, and encouraged to explore for themselves, the answers to a Key Question. Over time, they will do this by producing pieces of work, such as a piece of writing, a performance or an animation as an outcome. They are encouraged to record the evolution in their knowledge and understanding and to articulate it verbally to those who ask them. They are encouraged to learn through doing and find out answers for themselves and take risks in their learning. However, we recognise the importance of the interplay between substantive and disciplinary knowledge (conceptual and procedural) and these feed into lessons through the careful planning of teaching and learning.
Binding our topics together are Curriculum Key Concepts (KCs), which run in parallel across all classes. These ‘umbrella concepts’ link our topics together, allowing pupils to gain a wider understanding of the world around them, make links across topics and build upon prior learning. As pupil knowledge develops over time, they are supported to connect with the world around them: from themselves to their environment, to their community, to their country and outwards globally, through rich opportunities for curriculum Cultural Capital Cultural Capital – Brabourne Church of England Primary School.
Curriculum Key Concept Questions (KCQs) form the composite end points for each topic unit of study. Lessons build up in components to these ‘Big Questions’, which progress in complexity across all classes per term.
Memory recall is planned carefully into all lessons, building on learning from previous years, previous terms, previous weeks and previous days. Through the use of individual Subject Key Concepts and use of Mind-maps and Learning Journeys, pupils are encouraged to build upon their prior learning in the form of a Spiral Curriculum.
Our 6 Curriculum Key Concepts form a 2 year cycle of study. Pupils will visit 3 main concepts in each cycle and will re-visit the other 3 concepts from the previous year, as subsidiary concepts. The 6 Concepts from cycle A + B are paired and linked by their shared themes and commonalities:
Cycle A: Power and Legitimacy – Cycle B: Change and Continuity
Cycle A; Energy and Sustainability – Cycle B: Ecology and Evolution
Cycle A: Movement and People – Cycle B: Cause and Effect