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What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is ultimately an innate sense of awe and wonder. It is about understanding that there is something more than just ‘me’.

Promoting spirituality should not be confused with developing faith. Faith is a set of beliefs by which you live your life by and could be a response to a belief in God. Faith is something you choose whereas spirituality is an aspect of human development ‐ it is not separate but integral to who we are and what makes us whole. Spirituality is for everybody regardless of faith.

Spiritual development is not about becoming more spiritual; it is about realising or becoming more and more aware of one’s natural innate spirituality. This is sometimes a slow and gradual process, at other times there might be significant stages of realisation, which are part of the ongoing ‘developing’ process. People do not reach a finished state of spiritual development, but participate in the ongoing process of spiritual realisation.

We believe that spirituality should influence all areas of education and life, therefore, we aim that all areas of the curriculum contribute to pupils’ spiritual development. In order to help everyone understand exactly what we mean by spirituality, we have created the following definition:

Spirituality is about ensuring that everyone flourishes.  It involves each of us understanding ourselves, relating well to others, appreciating the beauty in the world and reflecting on the deeper meaning of life. It also involves us contributing to the flourishing of others and the world around us.

Self – Spirituality involves understanding ourselves as unique individuals, what we are and what we want to become.  It includes what we choose to believe and value.

Others – It also captures our interactions with others, how we choose to see them and relate to them, how we show humility and compassion and how we embrace equity.  When we’re spiritual, we’re filled with optimism and creativity, and we collaborate creatively with others.

World – Spirituality also involves appreciating the beauty in the world, whether found in nature or in created things and how we contribute to making the world a better place.

Meaning – it also extends beyond our everyday experiences, helping us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life and the universe.

We seek to provide occasions for the development of people of all spiritual styles – word, symbol, emotion and action.  This encourages children and adults to develop an understanding of the spiritual character of themselves and others.
