School Leaders
At Brabourne School we encourage our pupils to take an active role in leadership and the chance to develop their teambuilding and strategic thinking skills.
We have several pupil groups across the school. These include:
The Eco Team
These pupils from Year 6 meet termly to discuss ways of making the school ‘greener’ and to discuss wider environmental issues. They also monitor the school for litter and make sure that electricity is not wasted, by turning lights off and ensuring that computers are not left on stand-by. They have met with the Mayor of Ashford to discuss matters relating to the environment.
The House Captains
These Year 6s are elected by the pupils to ‘serve’ their House Teams. They must deliver a speech to their houses before the election and they take on the role for a year. The House Captains independently organise inter-house activity days, such as dance, den building, sports, drama and other competitions. These days raise money for charities. They also run tehir own podcast. The House Captains also help to line the younger children up at playtimes and monitor the corridors.
The School Council
We aim to give every pupil the chance to be on the school council during their time at Brabourne. The School Council meets once a term with the Headteacher and discusses ideas for improving the school. The School Council always gives brilliant ideas from the pupil perspective.
The Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors welcome visitors to the school and help show prospective parents and children around on tours.
Sports Captains
The Sports Captains organise matches, brief their teams on strategies, promote sportsmanship and motivate their team members.
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders introduce new ideas for playtime, promoting and helping run new games and ideas.
Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders run IT club, IT projects and look after the Computer room. They also run Collective Worship on the topic of E-Safety.
Worship & Wonder Team
The Worship & Wonder Team work alongside Reverend Chris to lead Collective Worship to the whole school independently.