Latest news:

Neptune class

Our Year 3 and 4 class

Our fantastic team consists of the class teachers Mrs Green (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Burnett (Wednesday – Friday.) Then Mrs Jowett, Mrs Sparks and Miss Cook all support Neptune class at various points in the week.

A warm welcome to the spring term – although it certainly doesn’t feel very spring like at the moment!

The children have come back from their Christmas holidays excited to tell everyone about the fun they have had, but also with a calm focus to begin the new term and the New Year.

We will be spending the spring term answering the topic question: How can Brabourne be more energy efficient?’ Take a look at the Topic overview below for more details on what we will be covering.

PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays, Children should wear their PE kits to school, please ensure children have appropriate clothing as we will be outside when suitable.

Thank you to all the families that have signed up to look after our gerbils; Coco, Hazel and Cookie. We know that they prefer being in your warm homes over these chilly weekends. The sign up sheet is still on Seesaw, if anyone else wanted to volunteer.

Homework and Spellings for the term have been uploaded onto seesaw. A printed copy of the spellings have been sent home. Reading regularly at home continues to be essential for every child. Please encourage your child to read every day and make a note of this in their reading record books. We check them daily and there are small prizes for children who read regularly.

Weekly homework includes: practice spellings, complete at least one Mathletics task each week; complete one piece of homework from the homework sheet and practice times tables on TTrockstars as much as possible. The children will be tested on their spellings each Monday. The dates that they are set and tested are written on the sheet.

Logins for your child’s accounts can be found in the back of the reading record book but please do let us know if you have any issues logging on. Any homework completed can be uploaded to Seesaw as can anything for Show and Tell which will be on a Friday.

If you have any questions or queries we are more than happy to help, you can catch us at the end of the day or contact us by email

Kind wishes,

The Neptune Team





