Latest news:

Mars class

Our Year 1 and 2 class

Welcome to Mars class! Our fabulous teaching team is Mrs Barnes, Mrs Green, Mrs Riggs and Mrs Hopkins. 

Our topic for this Spring term is ‘What a Wonderful World’, with a Key Concept Question of ‘How can we look after our planet’. We will be learning about the effect that weather has on our environment, plus exploring ways in which to reduce, reuse and recycle and becoming more energy efficient. We will also be learning about water and rainforests and what we can do to save them.

In Science, our theme is Animals and their Habitats. We will be learning about classification of living and non-living things and food chains, plus microhabitats and different habitats around the world. We will be exploring the huge variety of animals that we find within them!

Seesaw continues be our method of communication for spellings (uploaded termly) and our English home learning (uploaded weekly on a Friday). Exploring Mathletics will continue for our Maths home learning. You have the freedom here to choose any activities, although there will be some assigned that support the learning in class.

If you wish to contact us, please email us directly, or email the office and they will forward the message on.

Please continue to listen to your child read at home everyday; your support with this plays a huge part in your child’s progress.

Please do ensure your child brings outdoor clothing for all weathers – raincoats, sun hats and water bottles (water only, no squash, juices etc). If warm weather is forecast, please apply lasting sun-cream before school too.

Our P.E. lessons are now on a Wednesday with coach Harry and with Coach Ben on a Thursday. Please send your child in wearing their PE kit on these days.

Thank you,

The Mars Team






