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Contact us

All of our contact information can be found below

Contact us

Brabourne Church of England Primary School
School Lane
TN25 5LQ
Telephone: 01303 813276


Our school SENCO is Mrs Rebecca Simmonds who can be contacted through the school office.

Contact Mrs Parry for any other queries

There are no staff who earn over £100,000 at Brabourne CEP School.

If parents/carers would like a paper copy of any of the information from our school’s website, we will provide this free of charge.

To find out about our school’s curriculum provision, please see: Brabourne curriculum – Brabourne Church of England Primary School

The school compares its financial performance to that of other, similar sized and located schools through the DfE benchmarking tool: Brabourne Church of England Primary School – Schools Financial Benchmarking – GOV.UK (  A detailed analysis of the figures is carried out by governors, please contact the school Office with any questions.


