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Keeping children safe and happy


At Brabourne CEP School, the happiness, welfare and well-being of our pupils is priority.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for all matters related to safeguarding in the school which at Brabourne School is Mr Stapley, Headteacher. Miss Unsworth, Assistant Headteacher is also a trained DSL. The school’s safeguarding governor is Mr Adam Lott. The school’s Chair of Governors is Hester Fenwick. Contact details can be found in the school’s Child Protection Policy and safeguarding poster below.

Reporting a Concern

The team regularly meet and review all concerns that are currently ongoing and discuss any new referrals from staff and parents. If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child in school, then do not hesitate to come in and speak to any member of the team.

Our Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding poster can be found here:

Child Protection Policy September 2024 (BCEP-Child-Protection-policy-Updated-September-24-.pdf)
Safeguarding Poster (Safeguarding-Poster-May-2024-1.pdf)

How else can I report a concern?


Help for children and young people. Calls are free and confidential and won't appear on your phone bill.

Tel: 0800 1111 NSPCC:

Help for adults concerned about a child. People who call can remain anonymous.

Tel: 0808 800 5000

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) can be contacted at:

Tel: 03000410888

