Latest news:

Neptune class

Our Year 3 and 4 class

Mrs Burnett, Mrs Green are the class teachers and Mrs Jowett is our teaching assistant.
Welcome to the Summer Term!

We hope that you all had a restful Easter break, we have another exciting and busy term ahead of us!

We will be spending the summer term answering the topic question: How did the Egyptian and Grecian empires change the world? And we will start by delving into the Ancient Egyptians. Take a look at the Topic overview below for more details on what we will be covering.

PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays, please ensure children have appropriate clothing (suncream, hats etc.) as we will be outside when suitable.

Mrs Green is the class teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Burnett will be teaching Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Mrs Jowett is our wonderful TAs supporting Neptune class.

Homework has been given out along with spellings which can be found on Seesaw. Please ensure you read with your child every day and log the reading in the reading record book. The Gerbils diary will also be uploaded – thank you all for your on-going support with this.

Weekly homework includes: practice spellings, complete at least one Mathletics task each week; complete one piece of homework from the homework sheet and practice times tables on TTrockstars as much as possible. Spelling test will be on Monday and the dates have been written on the sheet.

Logins for your child’s accounts can be found in the back of the reading record book but please do let us know if you have any issues logging on. Any homework completed can be uploaded to Seesaw as can anything for Show and Tell which will be on a Friday.

Kind wishes,

Mrs Burnett, Mrs Green and Mrs Jowett




